We often tell ourselves ohh god!!! Why me??? The same situation lies when a mosquito bites you. But how so these bloodsuckers get attracted by few people rather than leaving others beside you. There are certain factors which attract those bloodsuckers and then make you say Ohh God why me!!! So let’s have a look at those factors.
- Carbon Dioxide
The first reason behind your attraction is the carbon dioxide. The person who releases more carbon dioxide is attracted by those mosquitoes. As mosquitoes have more power in detecting the carbon dioxide and can detect as far as 164 ft away

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Skin Bacteria:
According to researches the person who have more value in bacteria in their body can attract more mosquitos towards them. So this might be reason of mosquitoes biting at your finger or toes and resulting in itching at that area.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Beer:
Study says people who drink beer are more suspicious. In other words people who drink more beer are more attracted by mosquitos. While drinking beer your body sneaks our sweat from sweat glands and it results in bacteria.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Pregnancy:
Pregnancy can be reason for attracting mosquitos. And this is because there are two reasons behind this. One ladies exhale up to 21% more carbon dioxide. And the second reason is on average temperature of pregnant lady is 1.26 Fahrenheit comparing other.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Clothing color:
What clothes you wear are also making way for mosquitos attracting towards you. If you wear Red, black, Blue or some dark colors. Then you are being attracted by mosquitoes.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Exercise and metabolism:
Mosquitoes are attracted by people who sweat more. So people who exercise more or go to gym are attracted by mosquitoes more and more. Mosquitoes target the victim by smelling the substances like (Lactic acid, Uric acid, Ammonia etc) that is expelled through their sweat.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
- Blood type:
Certain blood types are more appetizing for mosquitoes. For instance, people with Type O blood are more prone to mosquito bites than people with Type A blood group whereas those who have Type B blood group fall in the middle of this spectrum. Not only this, about 85 percent of people secret a chemical through their skin which indicates the blood type that they have. This makes things easier for mosquitoes as they prefer secretors over non-secretors, regardless of their blood type.

Reason why mosquitoes bites few people especially-infogalaxy.in
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