Counter Strike For Android

By | October 11, 2024

Counter strike is very popular game in its age. Actually this game is ported by an android developer. But the bad news is you can’t get this game on play store. But the developer has released the game on GitHub. The version of the app is 1.6 and is still in beta stage. The game lags a bit.


The name of the developer is Omarev. The game on computer was nostalgic in which we have control over keyboard and mouse. Omarev completely managed to rewrite the code for Counter strike and port it for android. And he has put all buttons need to play the game like firing, ammo, etc.


But those buttons look a bit cluttered. So developer has left the code on Github. So any customisation can be done by editing the code.


How to run counter strike on android.

Before proceeding lets be sure that you must have steam account and counter strike APK for sure(just to confirm).

Step 1: Download the APK from the link. It has two links one is for phone which have single and other link is for people who have multi-core(choice is yours).


Step 2: Then step 2 is to install XASH3D APK.


Step3: After doing above two steps, on your PC, head over to Steam directory where you have installed the game and then copy these folders, cstrike & valve. After that paste them in Xash folder in the smartphone’s SD card.


Step 4: Now start CS16Client.


Above steps looks bit complicated. But it should work.

Do share this article so your friend can play on their device.