Every time when you browse on the internet. The data is sent to the destination server by the user. But there is someone in between who changes the IP address. And that man is Proxy. Proxy gives you random IP address. Just, for instance, you are browsing from India and your proxy server is in the US. Then your IP address will be of US.You might have heard of Tor proxy server. Tor proxy server helps you to browse anonymously over the internet. But did you know that this service can actually be invoked in Google chrome itself? Yes, it’s possible. So, let’s have a look at How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser.
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#1 You should have latest version of Google Chrome.
#2 Name of the extension: Kronymous – Access internet via Tor Network.
#3 Size of the extension: 5.28MB
#4 Developer of the extension: Deepankar Tyagi
#5 We are not responsible for any damage at any cost.
How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser:
First of all, you need to download chrome extension from this link.
[appbox chromewebstore dfdhngcahhplaibahkkjhdklhihbaikl?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon]
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Now, click launch that app.

How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser
And then click on the OK button on the popup appears.

How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser
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Here you have to click on START TOR PROXY to start the services and within few seconds services will get started.

How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser
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You will see the done message indicating the services have been started.

How To Get Tor Network In Google Chrome Browser
That’s it. Now you can browse anonymously using Tor proxy from anywhere. If this article was helpful to you then share it with your friends and let them know about this article.
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