Best Command Prompt Tricks You Might Don’t Know
Few people think command prompt is just a black and white screen and it is boring too. And few people think exactly opposite. But the experienced users will know the power of command prompt. Well here after reading this article even you will start liking command prompt. So let’s have a Best command prompt tricks you might don’t know.
Tricks of Command Prompt:
Typing commands in a different line is a painful these days especially. So just add && between multiple commands.
ipconfig && dir
Few people don’t know the killer using of function keys. Have a look at the image below.

Best Command Prompt Tricks You Might Don’t Know
You can even have a look at the history of commands you used in command prompt. If you forget the particular command then you can use this command.
Many people want to copy the output. Few people use to copy paste the whole output to a particular file. Here you just need to type a small command and your output will be copied to the clipboard.
Ipconfig | clipboard
Ever wonder you can just watch all drivers list that is installed on your computer using a single command.
Driver query
Many people get bored by the black and white colour of the command prompt. And now by this simple command, you can change the colour of the font in the command prompt.
Color #
Now, you don’t need to turn on Wi-Fi hotspot by going to setting and then you have to search for the option to turn on. Using command prompt you can type this simple commands and turn on and off the Wi-Fi hotspot on your laptop or PC.
Note: you must start the command prompt with administrative privileges.
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Youthotspotname key=yourpassword
Turn on:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Turn off:
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
#8 Speed up the internet speed using command prompt:
Just by this simple command, you can know the password.
netsh wlan show profile WiFi-name key=clear
From now you don’t even need to search for windows product key. By this command, you can know the product key of the windows os.
wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
So, these were the command prompt tricks. If you liked it do share with your friends.