So people these days order many things from amazon. As amazon is major market place for all those sellers. They sell their products at heavy discount. As we book order at amazon the seller sends the product to amazon warehouse. And there the magic happens at the amazon ware house.
Around 4 years back amazon acquired Kiva systems for 775million$. Then amazon used their robots as their picking and packaging process. They started using robots for picking and packaging process.
The product is kept at the shelf by the humans or popularly known as workers at the warehouse.
Then the shelves are picked up by these amazon robots. These robots are about 16inches tall and weight almost around 320pounds which is around 145 kilograms. The speed at which it travels at the amazon warehouse is 5 miles per hour which is 8kmph. And they can carry weight up to 700 pounds which is 317 kilogram. They are fitted with motion sensors so whenever an object comes in front of them or around then then it actually stops.
The robots have improved efficiency and allowed Amazon to fit more inventory in its fulfillment centers. The robots’ ability to organize themselves into tight rows allows the company to fit 50% more inventory.
At last I would tell you to have a look at the video below to see how they work exactly.