Best Websites TO Learn Programming

By | May 15, 2024

Best Websites TO Learn Programming:

In today’s generation learning to code is must to do list. But our life has become much busy that we don’t have enough time to attend classes to learn code. So today we will tell you the best websites to learn programming.


These websites are probably best websites with good user interface and they attractive way of teaching through which you can learn coding easily at home. These website are the best websites to learn programming and in this list few are free and few are paid. You can use your criteria and select depending on your option.



Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • Name itself says it will about SQL.
  • SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
  • This website helps in storage or editing data.
  • It is totally free.


#7 CodeSchool:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • This website has all sorts or course available.
  • You can use this website if you are not a beginner.
  • It is not free. It has pricing of each course.


#6 CodeHS:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • This website mainly implies about data structures, problem solving, JavaScript, Animation, etc.
  • This website even has fun gaming programming.
  • Even this website has its own plans per course it offers.


#5 Khan Academy:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • It is not well structures as CodeHS. But still does better job.
  • This website is available for both newbie and experts in programming.
  • It is totally free.


#4 Udacity:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • This website is sort of professional.
  • If you complete a course they will give you a certificate which is much valuable.
  • After each lesson in the course it offers, there is puzzle to solve. Without solve the puzzle or questions you cannot move to next lesion
  • It is not free. Few are free and some are paid.


#3 Code Avengers:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • This is best website to learn programming these days.
  • But it offers HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript.
  • But above course superbly designed to truly entertain you.
  • They provide you a free trial and then they charge you for what your use.


#2 Code Academy:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • One of the best designed website to learn programming online
  • This has one of the best console to test our code.
  • It offer so many courses like C++, RUBY, Web Fundamentals, etc.
  • This website is totally free.



#1 W3Schools:

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

Best Websites TO Learn Programming

  • It is best website to learn coding online.
  • It offer variety of courses like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C++, Java, etc.
  • It has beautifully designed console to test our code.
  • It is absolutely free to use this website.


So, I hope you like this article. And these were the best website to learn programming. Hope your favourite website with that we have selected. You can even suggest other websites if you know and you are using.

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