Should We Port Our Existing Number To Jio?

By | February 1, 2025

Should We Port Our Existing Number To Jio?

Yesterday Jio extended the free period till March 31, 2016. Many people might have bought the Jio sim as it is free of cost and all the services are totally free. You don’t need to pay a single rupee to buy a Jio sim card. Now the question here that rise is should we port our existing number to Jio?  We will discuss this topic in this article.

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The Question to port to Jio:

Many people might be thinking whether I should port my existing number to Jio. Or should I buy a new Jio sim card? The reason may be you have a single sim slot on your smartphone or you are too lazy to handle two sim cards (Just Kidding).

The answer is Big Nooooo!!!!!!! There are many reasons behind this answer. We will discuss those reasons in this article.

Should We Port Our Existing Number To Jio?

Should We Port Our Existing Number To Jio?

The Reasons not to port to Jio:

Though Jio gives us the free extension period, there are many drawbacks of the network. And those drawbacks are as below.

Network Connectivity:

Earlier when Jio was launched on September 1, 2016. At that time Jio’s speeds were just amazing. On an average Jio was providing more than 20Mbps speed to all its user. But now it has been worse than ever. So, this is one reason for not porting to Jio network.

Call connectivity:

Due to lack of point of interconnections Jio’s calling service was more than worse. And this was because other service providers were not providing the necessary point of interconnections. Yesterday at the Jio Press event, Jio claimed that call drops have been decreased from 90% to 20%.

Network Stability:

Earlier the network stability of Jio was strong enough comparing other service operators. After the commercial launch on September 1, 2016. Network stability has been decreased day by day since the commercial launch.


After reading these reason, you might be knowing that it is a bad idea of porting to Jio as of now due to its weak network. But still, Jio have 3 months to improve its network. And yes one more thing, the step of extension of free period is not to impress the users, but to improve its network. As Jio’s network is still not stable.

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