When we buy new PC, we always think the way of preventing virus or malware from entering. We buy antivirus and install it. Then we think antivirus will save all our files in case of a virus attack on our PC. Now, here there might be some doubt in your mind. Is my antivirus really working and is keeping me safe from virus. The question here that rise does your antivirus really work. In that situation, you need to follow the steps that are provided in this article. Here we shall share how to check if your antivirus program is working or not.
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Steps to follow on,
How To Check If Your Antivirus Program Is Working Or Not:
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First and foremost we need a text editor to type a code that will check if your antivirus is working or not. So click on start and then in the search box type notepad and hit enter.

How To Check If Your Antivirus Program Is Working Or Not
Now, Notepad will open on your PC. And type or copy and paste the follow code in the notepad text editor (without quotes”.
How To Check If Your Antivirus Program Is Working Or Not
In the next step, you need to save that file. You can save it with “EICAR.COM. And hit enter to save the file in the provided filename.

How To Check If Your Antivirus Program Is Working Or Not
If your antivirus program is working properly, then your antivirus will definitely that file which you created.

How To Check If Your Antivirus Program Is Working Or Not
- Above code will cause no harm to your PC.
- This is a harmless virus and is used to check if your antivirus program is working or not.
- Either your antivirus will automatically delete the file. Or you can select the folder where you saved the file and you can scan the selected folder.
[mlink position=”center ” subhd=”Also Read” link=”https://infogalaxy.in/how-to-remove-virus-from-computer-using-command-prompt/”]How To Remove Virus From Computer Using Command Prompt[/mlink]
So, this article was all about how to check your antivirus program is working or not. You can try the above to check. And share with your friends.
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